How to Prevent Buyer’s Remorse…

For You AND Your Customers


If you’ve ever gone through the process of buying something new only to regret it later, you know the feeling of buyer’s remorse all too well. This sinking feeling can happen with big purchases like a car or a house, or even with smaller items like online marketing programs, software, outsourcing services for your business and so forth.

Then there’s the reverse problem: Preventing your own customers from having buyer’s remorse and asking you for a refund.

This one really hurts, doesn’t?

You go to all the trouble of creating an awesome product, setting up your sales funnel, driving traffic and getting those sales.

And then some cheese head asks for a refund 5 minutes, 5 days or even 50 days after they purchase.

This is especially painful considering that your products are electronic and they get to keep the product and the money.

No, it isn’t fair, but there are ways to prevent buyer’s remorse in your customers and we’ll cover that in just a moment.

First, I thought you might like to know how to prevent buyer’s remorse with your own purchases. We’ve all heard stories of the new marketer who spends thousands of dollars on “how to make money online” programs and never does anything with any of them.

In fact maybe that was you at one time, too.

These days it’s not $7 ebooks you’re thinking about buying, but rather it might be $2000 coaching programs. How do you know it’s the right fit for you? How can you tell if you’re going to be thrilled with your purchase or sorely disappointed?

Crystal balls aside, I thought I might share a few tips on how to choose your next online marketing product, software, web design, outsourcer and so forth so that you only pay for those things that truly help you in your quest to build that super-profitable online business.


  1. Do your research.

This is important both before and after you make a purchase. Research can help you compare different options and make sure you’re getting the best deal on whatever it is you’re buying.

In the case of software, is it the right one for your needs? Or if it’s coaching, is it someone with a good reputation that you feel you can easily work with?

Thanks to guarantee periods, once you’ve made your purchase you can still test the waters before you make a final decision. Take some time to read reviews and learn more about what you just bought. This will help you be sure you made the right choice.


  1. Know your needs.

Too many would-be online marketers simply start buying programs and software because they sound good. But even if the product is absolutely stellar, if it doesn’t help you accomplish your goals then it’s not for you.

Before you start shopping, know what you need. This will help you narrow down your options and choose the best product for your needs. Once you know what you’re looking for, it’s easier to resist the temptation of buying something that’s not actually a good fit.


  1. Consider the long-term.

When you’re making a purchase, it’s important to think about how it will fit into your life in the long run. While a $5000 coaching program might sound extravagant, if it’s exactly what you need to build a $100,000 business, then it’s an excellent buy. Conversely, if that $37 software is going to need a $500 freelance coder to adapt it to your own needs, then it might be better to buy the more expensive software to begin with.


  1. Listen to your gut.

If something feels off about a purchase, listen to your gut. There’s usually a reason you’re not entirely comfortable with a purchase and it’s best to trust your instincts on this one.

This is especially true if the seller is promising you’ll make a nice income simply by pushing buttons or any other claim that is unbelievable.

And in my opinion blind sales letters are a dead giveaway that it’s best not to buy. You know the pitch where they tell you 30 things the product is NOT but they don’t tell you exactly what it IS. Personally, I never, ever consider buying those, even if it’s only just a few bucks.


  1. Take your time.

Rushing into a purchase is a surefire way to end up with buyer’s remorse. If you can, take some time to sleep on it before you make your final decision. This will help you be sure you’re happy with your choice.

But there are times when a special deal is only offered for a limited time. If there is a solid guarantee, then go ahead and purchase. Use the guarantee period to test it out and see if it’s right for you. If not, you can always get a refund or cancel the subscription.

This is why I love $1 trial periods, both when I’m buying and I’m selling. When I purchase the use of something for $1 for the first X amount of days, I can take that time to thoroughly explore the product before making my final decision to stick or leave. And when I sell using the $1 trial, my customers get the same benefit and my refund rate is greatly reduced.


By following these tips, you can avoid buyer’s remorse and be confident in your purchase decisions.

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